Latest Laptop How-To Stories
Hassle-Free PC
Three simple rules for buying a new laptop
How much RAM do you need? How much storage? And how important is the processor, really?Answer Line
Can I recover a stolen laptop?
Justin Yuen asked if it's possible to recover a stolen laptop.How-To
Samsung Galaxy S III: 15 power user tips
Own this summer's hottest Android phone? Try these cool power tricks. Own another Android phone? Check our recommendations on apps that may give your phone the same boosts.Go Social
Location-Based Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses
Boost your sales by marketing to your customers in all the right places.How-To
Laptops for Back-to-School: How to Make the Right Choice
Students have different budgets and needs. Picking the right laptop will save both money and frustration.How-To
Zen and the Art of Laptop Maintenance
Learn how to keep your laptop looking great and working well for as long as possible, without losing your mind.How-To
Easy Ways to Clear Space on Your Laptop’s Hard Drive
Do you live with a thin-and-light laptop that has a small drive? Or just have a large drive that's filled to overflowing? Here's how to get some breathing room back.How-To
How to Turn Your Laptop Into a Typewriter
Eliminate distractions and focus on your writing by turning your laptop into a modern-day typewriter (sort of) using Linux and Dropbox.How-To
How to Replace Your Laptop Keyboard
We walk you through the process of swapping out an old and busted keyboard for a shiny new one–and saving some bucks by doing it yourself.How-To
How to Benchmark Your PC for Free
To thoroughly evaluate a PC's performance, you need to use multiple tools and utilities specifically designed to tax each major component. We show you which tools to use, describe how to get results that are reliable and repeatable, and explain what all those numbers mean.How-To
Why You Don’t Need to Work in an Office Ever Again
With the help of a few high-tech tools, you can run a real business without ever stepping foot in an office.How-To
How to Troubleshoot Your PC: A Hypochondriac’s Guide
Does your PC act as though it's about to die? Don't panic! We explain why the most common problems happen and what to do about them.How-To
The Greatest PC Mysteries–Solved!
PCWorld's editors band together to solve the greatest PC mysteries! Find out why your PC beeps on startup, what a .dat file is, how USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 differ, and much more!How-To
How to Create a Bootable Mac OS X Flash Drive
Creating a bootable thumb drive that will run Lion and fit in your pocket is easy. This simple guide walks you through the necessary steps.Hassle-Free PC
Do You Leave Your PC Running All Night? Put it to Sleep and Save Cash
So says an Iolo Labs study, which finds Sleep mode smarter than leaving a PC running all night. But what about Hibernate?How-To
Improve Your Laptop’s Battery Life
Every laptop owner wants to maximize the time between battery recharges. Here's how to achieve that goal with a few basic hardware and software tweaks; as a bonus, they may improve your notebook’s performance, too.Answer Line
International Travel and Your Laptop
Your laptop could be stolen at the airport, in your hotel, or when you're walking down a street. A few precautions should provide protection.How-To
How to Protect Your Laptop
Follow our guide to safeguard your laptop, as well as the data that resides on it.BizFeed
Windows 8: Training Required
Windows 8 includes a more drastic graphical interface change than previous versions of Windows. Here are the top questions new users are likely to ask–and how to answer them.How-To
Multiple Ports on Your PC: What Do They Do for You?
The back of your PC is chock full of connectors and ports–USB isn't the only game in town. Here's a primer on ports.How-To
Turn a PC Into a DVR, Install Software Without a DVD Drive
Add an OTA tuner to turn your PC into a DVR, install software from a disc without an optical drive.How-To
How to Remove Preinstalled Software From Your New PC
Your new PC most likely came with a whole bunch of preinstalled apps and utilities you'll never use. Here's how to get rid of them.Hassle-Free PC
How Do I Install Software from a CD When My Laptop Lacks a CD Drive?
One option is to buy an external drive, of course, but there's another solution that won't cost you a dime.Hassle-Free PC
New Computer? Clear Out the Junkware
If your new system came with a bunch of software you don't want, it could be slowing things down. Here's how to get rid of it.How-To
How to choose a laptop for your small business
Businesses have laptop needs beyond those of the average consumer, including security, warranty, service, and more. Here's what to look for.BizFeed
10 Nightmares When Traveling With Tech–and How to Prevent Them
When traveling with smartphones, tablets, and laptops, a small hiccup can derail work for your entire trip. How can you avoid these nightmares on your next business trip?Answer Line
How Do I Reinstall Windows Without a Recovery Partition?
Ahmed needs to reinstall Windows, but his hard drive no longer has the necessary recovery partitionAnswer Line
Is That Grinding Sound the Death of My Hard Drive?
Ericuse165 has a friend with a PC that's making a grinding noise. Eric asked the Hard Drives, NAS Drives, Storage forum for advice.How-To
How to Make Your Windows PC Boot Faster
Looking to slash your Windows PC's boot time to the bone? We'll show you how we made one system boot 30 percent faster–without any hardware upgrades.How-To
Beginner’s Guide to Managing Mobile Movies
Are you wondering how to put your movie collection on your brand-new smartphone or tablet for some on-the-go video goodness? Read this collection of how-tos to find out how to rip your DVDs and Blu-ray movies, convert them in HandBrake, and sync your iTunes purchases.Answer Line
Should I Remove My Laptop Battery to Increase its Life?
Rita Baker wants to preserve her laptop's battery. Should she remove it before running the computer on AC power?How-To
How to Disable Windows Startup Programs
You can speed up your PC's boot time by cutting out startup items in Windows.How-To
How to enter your PC’s BIOS
Need to change your computer's boot order or access other advanced settings? Here's how to access the BIOS (basic input/output system).How-To
How to Sync Your PC, Smartphone, and Tablet
With the right services and software, you can keep documents, contacts, calendars, and Web browsers synced across a PC, phone, and tablet.How-To
How to Recover a Lost Phone, Tablet, or Laptop
These terrific tools and tips can rescue your wayward mobile devices and keep your personal data from falling into the wrong hands.Answer Line
Replace a Cracked Laptop Screen
Chloe Holyoak's laptop has a cracked screen. She wants to know how to fix it.How-To
What to Do With a New PC
Here's how to eliminate crapware, install all of your favorite apps at once, and get your brand-new PC ready for hard work (or play).Answer Line
Can You Put an SSD and HDD In a Laptop?
George McCluney asked about putting an SSD and an HDD together in a laptop.Simply Business
Soothe Your Sore Eyes With F.lux’s Time-Sensitive Lighting
This cross-platform utility automatically adjusts your display lighting based on the time of day.How-To
Laptop Refresh: Six Ways to Revitalize an Older Notebook
Save money and bring an old laptop back to life with a few quick software and hardware upgrades. We show you how.How-To
Travel Smart: The Best Tech Gear for the Road
You can take it with you. A digital nomad reveals his favorite mobile equipment for traveling light.Simply Business
Livescribe Bundles a Year of Evernote Premium with Smartpen Purchase
Been eyeing an Echo smartpen? Buy one between now and Jan 31, 2012 and Livescribe will throw in a $45 Evernote account.Answer Line
When You Don’t Want Your Laptop to Go to Sleep
Bharat’s laptop is connected to an external monitor. He asked the Laptops forum how to close the lid without putting it to sleep.How-To
5 More PC Upgrade Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)
Upgrading your computer can be easy enough for most people. But it's not without its pitfalls. Here are five common upgrade mistakes that even experienced users make.How-To
How to Automatically Update Everything on Your PC
A bit lazy when it comes to your PC maintenance? Here are a few shortcuts to keep all of your apps up-to-date.How-To